Becoming part of the washington machine. Thats not who i am. Brad the 52yearold firstterm senator is headed to New Hampshire today followed by key early states like iowa, south carolina, and nevada. Senator ted cruz is also declared for the race. Fedex is purchasing tnt for 8. 8 billion in cash. The same amount of money they hinted at in 2012 before regulators said they would kill the deal. The fedex ceo said he is confident that it will win approval. If you look at our situation in europe and tnts there, it is highly complementary. Marketshare numbers would appear to be problematic as they were in the case of the previous transaction. Of a stronger dollar is helping, ups going to be spending more than what fedex will pay. A deal in the Data Software business. Going private, a private equity firm connecting to the investment bird dashboard are buying the company for 4. 3 billion in larvae it largest leveraged buyout in years. Elliott management pushed for the sale earlier this year. Th