The website may have to pay the exwrestler 115 million, for posting a video of him having sex with the wife of a friend. And this is not overyet, either, is it crystal . It certainly isnt, cynthia. Gawker plans to appeal the decision and have said from day one it sets a dangerous precedent for the free speech. And they say it was not that damaging to his career and his personal life but the jury ended up rules in hogan and his attorneys favor, and his attorneys say his privacy was in fact violated. His real name is terry bolea and they say he rarely has private moments and one of those is in the bedroom. He was recorded by his friend with bubbas wife. And gawker says bubba not taking the stand to testify is what hurts their case. I am confident that we would have prevailed at trial if we had been allowed to present the full case to the jury. This is not only his vehicle are you victorybut anyone else who has been victimized by tabloid journalism, we are coming back monday for the rest
Every four years leading up to the World Cup, “The Spirit of Football” takes a soccer ball known as “The Ball” and travels around the world promoting positive climate action.