(4 out of 5 stars) Andreas Vollenweider has created great music and this has his best songs. The only other album I own by him is Dancing With The Lion . My dad bought the cassette a long time ago, I listen to it sometimes but not a lot. Andreas Vollenweider is the second harp player I heard, the first was Hillary Stagg and I can see a big difference in their music mostly because of the background instruments. All of the songs on the album were good but I found Wanja The Wanderer a bit strange and so did my dad when he listened to it, so I don t think I ll get his album Kryptos . Here are my favorite songs: Behind the Gardens, Flight Feet and Root Hands, Belladonna, See My Love, Moon Dance, Dancing With The Lion, Night Fire Dance and Cor Do Amor. The only reason I gave the album 4 stars was because some songs sounded a bit strange. The bonus material on this CD includes: songs with new mixes, mulltimedia cd including the music video of pearls and tears and a new song Pace