Ammunition lie on the seabed like this huge underwater might most of it was simply disposed of in the sea by the victorious allies and decades erosion is threatening to release the toxic loads substances such as arsenic mustard gas and t. N. T. Could contaminate the already vulnerable waters off the polish coast and one of the biggest worries for ecologists is the massive amount of oil from sunken warships found in places such as the bay of the dense environmentalist ogust sarna fears that the past will soon catch up with the present and ruin the sea that holds a very special place in her life. The best to plant a peninsula in the dice caught the channel this is where the shots were fired that marked the start of the 2nd while being polish and irene conservationist augustana is worried about the threat posed by contaminants and conditions that are still lying at the bottom of the baltic sea. There is at least. 80 to 100 wrecks in the baltic that are potentially dangerous to the environ
A planned remodeling at the La Jolla Christian Fellowship campus in The Village drew strong opposition and a series of questions during the La Jolla Development Permit Review Committee's meeting Aug. 9 so much so that trustees asked the applicants to return with more information at a future meeting.