Richard Talcott ’76, a contributing editor to Astronomy Magazine, will speak at Marietta College's Physics Colloquium Series at Noon, Friday, April 14th, in Bartlett 166.
The garage, which would be connected to the hospital via a pedestrian skywalk, is critical to the expansion, the hospital says, and will provide parking for hundreds of new employees Connecticut Children's expects to hire and convenient access for an increased number of patients.
Marietta College Physics Professor Dr. Craig Howald will present "Entanglement: From a Problem to a Promise" at Noon, Friday, February 24th, in Bartlett 166 as part of the Physics Colloquium Series. This is a reflection on the work awarded the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics. The Physics Department will provide pizza and beverages.
The Spring 2023 Physics Colloquium Series begins the semester by viewing the planetarium show "The Sun, Our Living Star" at Noon, Friday, February 10th, in the Anderson Hancock Planetarium. This event is free and open to the public. Physics will provide pizza and drinks.