A once-dysfunctional living space gets a budget-friendly re-do.
February 9, 2021
The kitchen; looking down to the kitchen from the recording studio doorway, with the bathroom on the right; the stairs at the back, left, lead to the main level living area.The bathroom table was built by the wife from wood that came from one of the walls; the vintage wooden beads can be found at places like Rhode Island Antiques Mall, Pawtucket. Photography by Andrea Pietrangeli.
Star Turn
In the scene-stealing world of color and design, black is the new white. “Black isn’t going anywhere. It looks fantastic, especially in a small space,” says designer Janelle Blakely, founder of Blakely Interior Design. “It creates contrast, your eye is drawn to it.” Case in point: its use in the renovated kitchen and bath of this Wakefield project, where it kicks up the look several notches, enhancing the home’s cool, retro vibe. “Black creates a wow factor,” she says.