AN organisation which helps people struggling with addiction and mental health issues is to deliver virtual sessions for students. Before the pandemic Mark Murray and Liam McBride, who formed Whysup three years ago, would often deliver talks in schools to raise awareness of mental health issues. But with new restrictions now in force they are set to deliver these talks virtually for struggling students. Mark said: “Looking after students and their mental health is now more important than ever. We’re getting more and more parents reaching out to us for help with their children at the moment. “For just over three years, we have been up and down the country delivering face to face sessions on mental health and wellbeing.
CHANGES: Last minute plans SECONDARY schools in Bolton will be shut next week to all but a handful of children. Letters have gone out to parents in the last couple of days following the Government last minute to delay the opening of high schools. Schools which have written to parents outlining the new reopening plans include Thornleigh Salesian College and Bolton St Catherine s Academy. Next week students will be taught remotely, with only children of key workers or those classed as vulnerable being in school. Students in Years 11 and 13 will return to school on Monday, January 11 with all other students returning on Monday, January 18.