While challenges persist, promo suppliers are in a better position to meet Q4 demand thanks to factors like deeper inventory and improved staffing levels.
Talk on the China tariffs is heating up at the federal level, and executives in the promo products market are evaluating potential effects on pricing and sourcing within the merch industry.
Promo Suppliers Intensify Sustainability Efforts
From a nationwide solar setup to making products from earth-friendlier components, top suppliers are making a visible commitment to lessening their environmental impact.
There’s a green wave rising in the promotional products industry.
Compelled by evolving end-client tastes, a desire to increase efficiency, and a will to reduce the impact of industry on the planet, a growing number of top promo suppliers are ramping up efforts to operate more sustainably.
It’s much more than a trend or even a priority. It’s a tectonic shift occurring within promo and across industries that will fundamentally change and improve production, while also leading to more products being made with earth-friendlier content. Underway for years, the movement is poised to accelerate both in the short- and long-term.