3 people.one the victims died and police say she was an innocent victim. victim. keith daniels is live in northeast baltimore to explain how it happened. 3 &p3 an./ arlington, virginia. woman./ is. murdered./ ááherrá. co-worrer./ sexually assauuttd. in./ bethesdd.//. ááitáá.// happened./ friday./ night./// at,./ lulu-lemon.// ááaáá.// yoga .and sports./ store..// áá30áá./ year-old./ jay na./ murray. was./ killed.////. áásheáá. was. engaged./ to. be./ married.//. ááaáá. memorial. for her./ is. growing./ at./ the store. she llked to travel and she liked to hike and very athletic person..and full of sp spirit. 3 3 i don t know what it is. it s horrific beyond words. words. the./ assailants.// were. apparently./ wearing masks./ and./ gloves../// the. man./ who. killed another./ an./ after. a./ &pfight.// páthatáá.// started. on facebook.../// is. free./ tonight..//// cairns./ says.// he s. free.. /// áádespiteáá.// a. manslaughter../ conviction.//
girl is recovering from attacked by two dogs..t he was - dundalk.. right outside thee - house.melinda roeder is live from that neighborhood with more on what led to the vicious ordeal.melinda. witnesses say the little girl suffereddbites all over her body. her head and neck were mauled. some of her hair, chewed off. they sayythe dogss &pwouudn t top until neighbors tookkmatters ntootheir own hands. and began fighting bac. bbck. 07:40 and i heard there wws two ddgs and they literally attacked the girl. so sad. 08:44 it s terrifying. it s a neighborhood where kids typically play outside. (nats). and pets. walk leashes.so what happenee here on this sidewalk saturday has evvryone startled. andrrw &phandakas10:25 veey surprisii because number one i ve never hearddof any pit bulls on the loose. never heard of any kids being attacked. very were playing. outdoorr when they suddenly heard loud barking. 15:01 and then we just heard screaming and then we looked down and saw the dog