lungs or dangerous precedent? the ethical debate will follow. right now, she had days to live. we contacted dr. siegel, and i agree, he said put the kids first, kids deserve to be at the top of the list, at least the list of the sickest, include them in that list. i am in favor of from ruling. dana, what about you? i think it is amazing what her parents were able to do. they got public support behind her to the point that a judge intervened. then you had a change in policy. now you have this surgery today. science moves faster than policy makers usually. i think now that science is able to take parts of the lung to help her be able to survive, i think there will be a wholesale new debate about what is going to be allowed. i learned a lot about organ donation and being an organ donor is important.
making the morning after pill available to girls of all ages without a prescription. until now, the emergency contraceptive was stocked behind pharmacy counters, not on drugstore shelves, girls 16 and younger needed a prescription to buy it, but no more. andr andrea, a circuit court judge ruled this long battle and fight and discussion is over and the administration instead of appealing said fine. now the company has to reapply to the fda for over the counter status. it has a lot of support from the medical community, but moms and dads are pretty worried and they should be. if i were a mom or dad, i would be worried. a 14-year-old girl is an adult under this administration, but a 26-year-old is considered a kid who can stay on their parents insurance. i think dana, whether pro-choice or not, this should be left to the parents. if i were a mom, i would be
lois lerner still has access to the department s computer system. i doubt she s playing solitaire. and what about bolo, be on the lookout. and elijah cummings, blaming it on an unnamed republican, probably the same guy that told harry reid mitt didn t pay his taxes. remember that? assessing corruption, important to keep your eye on the ball. they re already targeting americans based on belief, fully able and ready to ruin you. this is evidence of targeting we feel might be happening later with the nsa, except it is here now. that s a scandal that you can run with and be dumbed to drop it, let the president skate again. he is gotten used to it, like a karny taking your cash. he can barely contain his smirk. try again and again to get those rings through the thing. they never work. andrea, we are huge fans of
exciting and we re just so thankful for the donor. i know for their family it is a huge loss, it is a great day for me, a tragic day for them. just a blessing interefrom god. it came at the last minute and we wouldn t have made it much longer. this clearly is departure from the historical regulations. eric, what do you think? is this the right thing to do to give this girl a chance at adult lungs or dangerous precedent? the ethical debate will follow. right now, she had days to live. we contacted dr. siegel, and i agree, he said put the kids first, kids deserve to be at the top of the list, at least the list of the sickest, include them in that list. i am in favor of from ruling. dana, what about you? i think it is amazing what her parents were able to do. they got public support behind her to the point that a judge intervened. then you had a change in policy.
hey, this is challenger. if it happens. reporter: it would be very i ll be waiting for you in stall 5. fast and certainly would be a it confirms your reservation and the location your car is in, relief, andrea, to people here in boston. i can tell you for the last 48 the moment you land. it s just another way you ll be traveling at the speed of hertz. hours this city has truly been stagger had. geico and we could help youo i would describe it as being save on boat and motorcycle insurance too. pierced in the heart given what other insurance companies are green with envy. happened at the boston marathon. the marathon is both a very oh, no, no, no.i m sorry, but this is all wrong? large celebration of people i would never say that. coming together and something writer: well what would you say? very personal because almost gecko: well i d probably emphasize the savings. everybody here has a connection to the marathon. ya know.lose that green with envy bit. rubbish. they know somebody wh