Sovannaphum Life visited O Touch primary school in O Touch village, in Andong Khmer commune in Kampot province's Krong Kampot, on June 11, 2022, with the management team presenting key essential supplies, including study materials and facemasks, to 311 students.
No major changes have been observed so far in Bokor’s market momentum and property prices in the nearly three months since the Kampot provincial town was created, with real estate experts pointing out that the latest Covid-19 outbreak has delayed many investment plans.
Hopes for second Kampot town
Wed, 31 March 2021
A recently-minted coastal town in the southwestern province of Kampot has generated very high hopes for investment, development and jobs in the area.
The government issued a sub-decree on March 16 to establish Bokor town in the western reaches of the province, adjacent to the western edge of Kampot town and comprised of three communes formerly in Teuk Chhou district – Prek Tnort, Koh Touch and Boeung Touk from west to east.
The new town will have significant overlap with Bokor National Park – which extends to bordering districts and neighbouring Preah Sihanouk province – and will house the park’s main attractions.