26/04/2023 - Anders W Berthelsen plays a journalist who, after a round of lay-offs and a long period on social welfare, ends up in an internship at his former workplace
26/10/2021 - In this new Danish 3D animated flick, the title character will act as a human antenna for his old, UFO-obsessed neighbour who thinks a huge invasion fleet is on its way
26/10/2021 - In this new Danish 3D animated flick, the title character will act as a human antenna for his old, UFO-obsessed neighbour who thinks a huge invasion fleet is on its way
26/10/2021 - In this new Danish 3D animated flick, the title character will act as a human antenna for his old, UFO-obsessed neighbour who thinks a huge invasion fleet is on its way
26/10/2021 - In this new Danish 3D animated flick, the title character will act as a human antenna for his old, UFO-obsessed neighbour who thinks a huge invasion fleet is on its way