"Anything Goes," a show of artwork created by four artists in four different mediums, runs now through Feb. 7 at River Arts, 36 Elm St., Damariscotta. A public reception will
River Arts in Damariscotta celebrated the opening of “Anything Goes” on Jan. 4 with a show of artwork created by four artists in four different mediums. The show will run through Feb. 7. A public reception will take place on Saturday, Jan. 20 from 2.
River Arts in Damariscotta celebrated the opening of “Anything Goes” on Jan. 4 with a show of artwork created by four artists in four different mediums. The show will run through Feb. 7. A public reception will take place on Saturday, Jan. 20 from 2.
River Arts in Damariscotta is pleased to present a unique show by four artists, in four mediums. Connected by their reflective approaches, these artists delve deeply into personally relevant subjects. This River Room show runs from Jan. 5 through.
DAMARISCOTTA River Arts plans to present “Rock, Paper, Scissors, Paint,” a show by four artists in four mediums, from Thursday, Jan. 5, through Wednesday, Feb. 1, in the River Room at 36 Elm St. Connected by their reflective approaches, these artists delve deeply into personally relevant subjects. The artists’ reception is set for 2-4 […]