is it freedom for kids to go t school and tried to socialize, and try to learn, and be scare to death that they might die that day well, that groups will fix i because it s gonna double th number of cops in schools. that s what he wants to do well, that will create a great environment. is that freedom? or is it freedom to have a congressman who can make a postcard with all his family holding rifles, includin ar-15s or whatever, is tha cool is that cool for republicans that is freedom. that s more important than protecting the kids? i don t get it coach gregg popovich take us off the air tonight and on that note, i wish you all a very safe night. from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thanks for staying up late i will see you at the end of tomorrow thanks to atone for joining us this hour really happy to have you here. on a new state like today, i will admit it is hard to kno we are to begin. but today is yet another day 1 place to begin is with
leadership that they were so drunk and arrogant with powe that they are humble to sa that their attacks may hav been successful in the past, but this is a new day, a new time in tennessee. and there s a new movement rising, the south will rise new. so, the house speaker will definitely join with the coalition of people from acros the state, calling for his resignation, because he s th greatest enemy to ou democracy. but what s more important, w are calling for the restoratio of democracy in the people house. we don t need a speaker wh shots of microphones, who cuts off members from speaking, won t even let us vote, if w go join, you know, those protesting kicks off the committee, and w have a speaker who represent the opposite of democracy, which is autocracy and he has not, he s not fit t serve in that role and so, i don t members in the community calling for hi resignation. tennessee state representative justin jones, newly reinstalled in his sea tonight by a vote of his count coun