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defined democrat. when the democrats started mentioning socialism and started mentioning radical policies. we saw movement towards the president. we re very comfortable with where we stand. don t believe the stories you are reading. steve: leaked polls were accurate you are saying but they were from three months ago. so they weren t fake news they were old news. they were old news and most unfavorable turnout model. we have to who is going to turn out. this is the most pro-democratic turnout model you could see. so it s understandable that that polling would look that way. when you look at the real polling, the most accurate polling, define democrats. the president is leading in all 17 swing states as he noted. ainsley: we will be watching tomorrow. amway center 20,000 people in orlando where the magic play. thank you, kayleigh. thank you. steve: next guest 7-year-old girl on a mission to help her local police department. she has hosted several lemonade stands, a cookie
find the burning of a flag repurepugnant, it is protected speech. it s the first amendment we are talking about here. yes. and that s the problem is if you try to push this through. constitutional amendment, i believe in our constitution and i i don t believe it should be changed very often or very easily. say this doesn t pass, well now you give liberals a talking points that americans don t support protecting our flag when, in fact, it s politics that doesn t support protecting our flag. i believe americans 10 times out of 10 will prevent this from happening when they see it. that s why you hear people like rick monday and matt yerin. something we believe in we are passionate about. we don t need to amend our constitution in order to protect a flag and i don t believe we need a federal government s permission to do something and preventing that from happening would be right in my book. so i just don t believe this is a right path. i believe there are federal regulations that could
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