Scientists have mapped the alignments of hundreds of ancient Japanese keyhole-shaped Kofun burials, only to discover that all of them face towards the rising sun.
The Legend of Aine’s Encounter with Ailill Aulom
One of the unpleasant legends speaks of a man who didn t want to learn the meaning of love, but was only driven by his sexual desires. This lout was the King of Munster called Ailill Aulom. According to the traditional story, he raped Aine, so she bit off his ear - which made people call him ‘One-eared Aulom.’
In Old Irish law, kings needed to have a perfect appearance and a complete body. Thus, Aulom lost his authority. This story shows that Aine was also a powerful goddess of sovereignty. As a deity, she granted power to good people, but also took it away from the bad ones.