combos. charlotte, north carolina is the most macho. when judged on sports, male-focused retail sports and i guess you would expect this in a survey conducted by combos, salty snack food sales. what is victoria s secret, i want to know. well, it s apparently the bag you walk out with, not what s in it. a new study shows brands like vicky s actually change the way some people feel about themselves. researchers say just walk around with that pink paper shopping bag makes women feel glamorous. if you have kids you probably don t need a scientist to tell you this. a new study out of sweden shows kids are expert negotiators and the research team says when kids are wheeling and dealing with each other mom and dad, leave them alone. and this one comes to us from a viewer in alaska. different take on goldilocks, when two of the three bears moved into an anchorage home. the momma bear takes a dip in a hot tub and takes her cub in tow of the. and our thank you to jay leno for watching us.