been there. about a fulfilling sex life? about being a creepy parent. way over the edge of fulfilling. as a mother whose mission is to keep the kid off the pole, as you said? exactly. will you delay i can say that from experience. i have known strippers who would agree with that. really. what is your take on, this lori? what is my position of keeping the ciz off the pole kids off the pole? easy. they are my kids. focus, lori. do you agree? do i agree? it is a whole new world out there and it scares the daylights out of me. i know at six years old my kids already had some questions that have yes. and i know that s where the toughest parenting comes in. answering those questions because they make me feel weird and awkward, but you have to go there to be a good parent. will, have you been married for 20 years. he will be a grandfather in april.
somebody say i am wrong in a longer way possible? without actually saying i was wrong? no, we know this. fast-food, buying a bunch of groceries. this is healthier. i am talking about if you hired mcdonalds to feed a starving nation they would do it more efficiently than anybody on the planet. that s a different thing. we are talking raw groceries versus fast-food. you said fast-food is better because potatoes and rice and car bow carbohydrates. if you go to raw food you will be dead and if you go to mcdonalds you will live. lori, you nailed it when you said it is a victory for normal people. some people can t maybe handle them. i greaty wholeheartedly. just checking. bill, you said you had come full circle on this thing. i have come full circle on my disgust. it is ridiculous.
should he sell the card? it has to be worth a billion dollars. absolutely, totally rich. i was thinking the story the victoria secret models get cards for free lingerie for a lifetime. i think. this is not unprecedented. none of us can understand the word unprecedented. it is not new. lori, you always bring a little business angle to everything which is why we have you here. i will start that over because apparently she was talking about something. are you on the tape delay show? i think it is a percocet show. remember the show i was falling asleep on a couple months ago? you solved that problem. i thought they were caffeine pills. opposite. you should try a five-hour energy which was a great idea. there you go rchlts there
it is a natural part of anyone s life. yes. but i watched lori rothman shrink into herself. a very talented rapper. that s true. i have had enough of this story. it is interesting we have a living embodiment of theen entitlement who is the spokesperson for obama. obama is saying, you are going places anyone that would vote for obama based on sandra fluk she is not going to win over any new voters for her cause or obama. no part was moved by her? no. not even how much she uses the birth control? from chicks to chick-fil-a. should she meet the self-righteous crap? the drive through lady was be rated on the video and and the perfectly pleasant rachel, she will only give her first name.
sorry, guys. didn t mean to wake you. saw that one coming. the thing is they haven t filed the story in months. but they are so darn adorable you can t fire them. you try to get them to hr and the hr person is playing with them. it drives me crazy. lori, are you a woman. of course i will go to you first. why does mitt romney hate your gender? it is manufactured. i am tired of the war on women. they are all women s issues, taxes and not this controlled stuff. obama care is so bad. higher taxes and the economy will go over this cliff. so planned planned parent wood wood planned parenthood won t even exist. good answer. bernie, doesn t it make sense for president obama to have a stria dent life long activist? theythey are all the same