Bollywood actress Ananya Panday was summoned by the Narcotics Control Bureau on Friday for questioning in a drugs related case. She was asked to appear at the NCB office at 11 AM, however, she reached the premises post 2 PM.
The NCB is probing the case of seizure of banned drugs aboard a cruise ship off the Mumbai coast. With Aryan Khan in judicial custody, the investigating agency is questioning actress Ananya Panday about her alleged WhatsApp chats with the former in the drugs related case.
On Thursday, an NCB team was seen at Ananya Panday s house, following which, the actor was summoned by the probe agency at its office. Later, Ananya Panday, along with her father Chunky Panday, reached NCB s office. Meanwhile, one more drug peddler was detained by NCB on Friday morning in connection