U.S. stocks traded mixed toward the end of trading, with the Dow Jones gaining around 50 points on Monday. The Dow traded up 0.16% to 34,337.33 while the NASDAQ fell 0.11% to 13,783.41. The S&P 500 also fell, dropping, 0.01% to 4,414.86.
U.S. stocks traded higher midway through trading, with the Nasdaq Composite gaining around 80 points on Monday. The Dow traded up 0.40% to 34,715.88 while the NASDAQ rose 0.58% to 13,841.50. The S&P 500, also rose, gaining, 0.52% to 4,480.87.
U.S. stocks traded higher toward the end of trading, with the Nasdaq Composite gaining more than 1% on Monday. The Dow traded up 0.29% to 34,676.52 while the NASDAQ rose 1.16% to 13,920.60. The S&P 500, also rose, gaining, 0.66% to 4,486.98.