888 2045984 access code 3501008. 3501008 press pound. You will beelined up in the order you dialed. While waiting the phone will be silent. All callers will remain on mute until the line is open. You must account for timely days between life coverag cover coved streaming. Turndown your radio. You can make Public Comment by emailing me linda. Wong at sfgovtv. If you submit via email it will be included as part of the matter. Written comments may be sent through your Postal Service to city hall. Finally, items acted upon today will be forwarded for full consideration on may 12 unless otherwise stated. Supervisor fewer thank you, madam clerk. Please read items one and two together on the budget and finance committee agenda. 1. Resolution authorizing the director of property to exercise lease amends for leases of Real Property at 3119 Mission Street and 3120 Mission Street for office and Service Space with klw investments as landlord each for fiveyear terms to commence on july 1, 2020 to e
Each item. They are streaming the number across the stream at sfgovtv. Each speaker is allowed two minutes. Comments to speak during the Public Comment period are available via phone by calling 888 2045984 access code 3501008. 3501008 press pound. You will beelined up in the order you dialed. While waiting the phone will be silent. All callers will remain on mute until the line is open. You must account for timely days between life coverag cover coved streaming. Turndown your radio. You can make Public Comment by emailing me linda. Wong at sfgovtv. If you submit via email it will be included as part of the matter. Written comments may be sent through your Postal Service to city hall. Finally, items acted upon today will be forwarded for full consideration on may 12 unless otherwise stated. Supervisor fewer thank you, madam clerk. Please read items one and two together on the budget and finance committee agenda. 1. Resolution authorizing the director of property to exercise lease amends
Closed. Members will participate in the meeting remotely as if they are presently present. Public comment is available for each item. They are streaming the number across the stream at sfgovtv. Each speaker is allowed two minutes. Comments to speak during the Public Comment period are available via phone by calling 888 2045984 access code 3501008. 3501008 press pound. You will beelined up in the order you dialed. While waiting the phone will be silent. All callers will remain on mute until the line is open. You must account for timely days between life coverag cover coved streaming. Turndown your radio. You can make Public Comment by emailing me linda. Wong at sfgovtv. If you submit via email it will be included as part of the matter. Written comments may be sent through your Postal Service to city hall. Finally, items acted upon today will be forwarded for full consideration on may 12 unless otherwise stated. Supervisor fewer thank you, madam clerk. Please read items one and two toget
Participates in the citys planning process. Every five years theres a Strategic Plan and we also prepare annual action plans. Director mcfadden presented that to you earlier in the fall and provided an update a couple months ago. That plan covers all of the departments work, all of its programs. We also have a fouryear planning cycle that was established by the dignity fund. This includes Community Needs assessment and fouryear funding plan. That process covers all Services Eligible to serve funds from the dignity fund. Its looking at about 70 million. And then the area plan were talking about today is similarly focused on mostly Community Based services. We get 7 million from the state for those services. Thats about 10 of the budget for the office of Community Partnerships. As much as possible, we try to align these efforts, and an example of that is the Needs Assessment from the dignity fund is the primary Needs Assessment informing this area plan. Similarly, the departments Strateg
Approve the agenda. So moved. Do we have a second . Any discuss in all in favor. Any opposed . Motion carries. May i have a motion to approve the february 5th, 2020, Meeting Minutes . Thank you. Do i have a second. Second. Any discussion . All in favor. Any opposed . Thank you. The motion carries. Now i would like to introduce our newest commissioner, nelson lum, wholl tell us about his background. Thank you. Mr. Chair, fellow commissioners, ladies and gentlemen, good morning, my name is nelson lum, and im the newly appointed member of this commission. Ive been a resident since 1961, and i went to school here. Upon graduation from George Washington high school, in 1966, i was soon notified by uncle sam that he had a special interest in me. I was inducted in the army where i volunteers to be a member of the paratrooper unit, and after training, i was assigned to kentucky with 101st airborne division. In 1967, my division was deployed to vietnam. Luckily, i returned in november 1968, wit