some pretty wild posts recently on social media. recentlysocial mone of them wast the cocaine found the white house was at belonged to eithern the president or his son. are you willing to sayt or that that s not the case, that they don t belong to them? i don t have a response to that because we have to be carefuolec about the hatch act and the hatch act. they still don he hatcht know what that is. the level of security and surveillance presente leve n the white house begs the question of why they haven t locateduestion. su. is biden stonewall stonewalling yet another investigation? m to the bidens never seem to get to the bottom of anythin g. . and with a growing number of serious corruption, corruption d growinallegations, maybe it se they don t want to get to the dettom of it the bot. despite a sweetheart plea deal from biden s department of justiced e, the congressional probes into hunter bidenngressis and his family s shady dealings are ramping up evidence, evidence of
here with reaction, pollster lee carter, formerter florida attorney general pam bondi, and former state department spokesperson morgan ortagus. what a great panel this is. pam, let s startel disse with yh you worked with the administration. nistratiyou were the first woman elected to your position as attorney general in history. you know a lot about a campaigns. you know a lot lot about about but you know an awful lot about governance. how do you seea this playing oa for joe biden in clay travis saying he doesn t even think bidevi n will be the nominee?nominee. well, i think he has big h problems, as you said. with and, you know, we have governor whitmer out there makinge ma appearances, gavin newsom, of course, on sean hannity and hillary clinton at the naacp. i mean, the hypocrisy of that is beyond me, because look at the 1994 crime bill. kellyanne, remember that? family passed, which by all the black community accounts was jus t dis apportioned proportionately impacting the blac
person who could drive 172 miles an hour in your porschehor while on crack and have no consequences for that behavior ,or your failure to payions millions of dollars in taxes o r your failure to acknowledge one of your children. this is unacceptable. and i think, kellyanne, what it ultimately brings home is the car cardinal y of the biden . mpaign was i ll restore normalcy and honesty and truth and decency to the white house. det, es anyone democra republican or independent, believe that joe biden hasrepubr on that promise? i think the answer is no. and if he s th ier is noe nomini don t actually think he s going to be the nominee, i think he chance to get his kicked by donald trump or whomever the republican nomineeb ends up being, because the american public knowp ors bd can t do this job. he s got dementia. he s not up to it. not and continues to live down to his obligations as the
no question that people are concerned about international issues and national and thed nai disgrace and dishonor that joe biden and kamalaonity, hasto brought to our nation around the globe. how do you think that urs to ply with independents? elecinplay wit the 2024 electio? well, we can just look, as kellyanne, at the news cycle in the past few months and what do we see happen? first, it started with the authorities uncovering thesed wi chinese run police stations, these secret police stations in the united states. then we famously saw saw the chinese spy balloon that traversed the united states and was allowed to collect everything that it needed collect beforetes, finally being shot down. now we have news and thee administration hasn t been abler to get their story right. but we have news o f a cuban spye in base in cuba that is funded and paid for by the chinese.we so we re talking about, you know, close to american shores having a spy facility that is funded and equipped and for
that he refused to acknowledge and even didn t count? i mean, that s cruel inen cot a level that i don t know. yo have seen in a modern era to refuse to acknowledge that you have a granddaughter to say you haveer. six grandchildren instead of seven. can you imaginsee if one ofad the trump sons had been illegally profit ing off ofn ile foreign relationships, making tensgaprofit millions of dollart paying tax on it. had been a drug addict. there had been cocaine found ind the white house and the white house. th. w this analogy kellyanne is running around. that s like mcdonald s thatreco they get hamburgers stolen and everybody saying, oh, it hag couldn t be the hamburglar. i think the cocaine probably belongs to the crackhead son of the president because it would require such an unbelievable level of entitlement, as you well know, to take cocaine intoa kethe white. can you have to be the kind of