Are miracles real? If so, where’s the evidence? Elijah Stephens, director and executive producer of “Send Proof,” a full-length documentary on the topic, explores miracles and faith in detail with host Tim Ferrara on the “Eyes on Jesus Podcast”
The “Crossmap Podcast” takes you inside fascinating conversations with authors, experts, pastors, and entertainers on topics that are good for the entire family while honoring your faith-based values. The premiere episode features “Ducky Dynasty” star Phil Robertson. Known far and wide as the Duck Commander, Robertson is a professional hunter and invented his own duck call that earned him millions.
The “Crossmap Podcast” takes you inside fascinating conversations with authors, experts, pastors, and entertainers on topics that are good for the entire family while honoring your faith-based values. The premiere episode features “Ducky Dynasty” star Phil Robertson. Known far and wide as the Duck Commander, Robertson is a professional hunter and invented his own duck call that earned him millions.
We make thousands of decisions daily, but how do you make the “right” ones? What if we could avoid some bad decisions by having a better understanding of God’s outline for our life?