Journalists is enough. Moss rock and joe power abdul karim, travel the coast of the mediterranean, in search of answers for you. See yourself as a to me, a little the rights and responsibilities. How can you afford to see these animals . God help with join us to get to know the people and their dreams. A mediterranean. Mm hm. Mm hm. Yeah, its been in japan in im in spain, in Southern Spain to be precise in under lucy johonson law. Im going to be the provinces of malika and granada. This im where im sitting right now. Its simply beautiful. Im little. Thats because were on the mediterranean. Shes on the north side of the sea, this time digging here, this region astute in history and cultural riches. Question, so im really looking forward to the next few days. Ah. The coastline of under lucille extends almost a 1000 kilometers. Most of it along the mediterranean. Im going to the under lucy and fishing village of luckily adel modem for a dance date. Under lucia is the birthplace of flamenc