Populations of some turtle species are dwindling with roadway mortality a leading cause. 3:30 pm, Jun. 6, 2021 ×
A snapping turtle moves across a highway near Ely, encouraged a bit by the photographer. Wildlife experts are encouraging Northlanders to slow down when driving near lakes and wetlands in June and to help turtles cross the road as they make seasonal migrations. But be careful with snappers! (Bob King / 2010 file / News Tribune)
Did you know that turtles have been around since before the time of dinosaurs? They managed for millennia to avoid problems by simply hiding in their shells whenever trouble showed up.
But that well-honed defense mechanism doesn’t work well against fast-moving SUVs and trucks. And that’s why turtles need our help, especially in June when many of them will be crossing roads and highways to get to mating and nesting areas and to move from wintering areas to summer waterways.