Signage request put on hold
By Sandy Rose Schwieterman - For the Sidney Daily News
NEW BREMEN – A 30 minute discussion during the New Bremen Council meeting Monday night resulted in little progress on signage for the Lockkeeper’s House. But definite answers came about the major leaks at the pool.
Members of the local historical society are seeking to post a sign on the historical recreation of the building that housed the lockkeeper and his family along the banks of the Miami Erie Canal in downtown New Bremen.
Mayor Bob Parker said it was his understanding the building was never meant to be signed, since it would detract from the historical design. Former Council member John Schwartz agreed, saying a sign was not appropriate on the building itself. Historical members expressed concerns that a lack of signage would make the building hard to locate. The issue was sent back to committee and it was agreed that inquiries would be made to add more signage along the streets and at c