Girls on the Run is an after-school program designed to inspire girls of all abilities to
recognize and embrace their inner strength. Lessons emphasize the important connection between physical and emotional health.
Trained coaches use physical activity and dynamic discussions to build social, emotional and physical skills in every girl while encouraging healthy habits for life.
Springfield mom and runner Amy Robbins three daughters participated in the program and each benefited in a variety of ways she said. Her 18-year-old twins McKenzie and Charlie were in the program from fourth grade to middle school. And now her 10-year-old daughter Alexandria is participating.
Mar 4, 2021
Representatives and the team members at the second edition of the Emeral Laurel Comprehensive College’s (ELCC), speech contest.
The principal of Emerald Laurel Comprehensive College, Felele Rab, Ibadan, Mrs Brenda Kolade, has charged parents not to restrict their children whenever they exhibit their creative abilities.
Mrs Kolade gave the charge at the second edition of the school’s annual speech contest tagged ‘I am a Speaker,’ held on the school’s premises on Wednesday last week.
While speaking on the rationale for the event, she said it has always been her desire to set up a debating club in the school to nurture students in the art of public speaking and other creative arts.