A single sunbather was sprawled on the sand at Waushakum Pond. Not a soul was in the water and with good reason. Waushakum is one of more than fifty Massachusetts beaches closed over the weekend because of contamination in this case, from harmful algae overgrowth.
For Massachusetts School Lunches, Mixed Approaches Yield Mixed Results
School children are spaced apart in one of the rooms used for lunch at Woodland Elementary School in Milford, one of the first school districts to re-open in the state, with a hybrid model, during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Photo by Suzanne Kreiter/The Boston Globe via Getty Images
Boston Public Radio.
Two of her kids had returned to full-time, in-person learning, but their respective schools Natick’s Wilson Middle School and Lilja Elementary hadn’t been serving lunch until the end of the day, a little before 2 p.m. Instead, she explained, kids were given two 10-minute outdoor snack breaks, socially distanced and spaced throughout the school day.