his son, jason and amy martinez join us now issue the owners of the flag. this is a feel-good story, jason, what did that moment mean to you? kind of heart touching, it was kind of a surprise when we came home and i noticed the flag pole was down, we happened to look just on the patio and it was the flag was folded and i was like, my gosh, someone took the time to pick it up and hand deliver it and fold it for us, that was a big moment. we thought we would reach out and find out and thank them and yeah, there it is. carley: that is so great. you wanted to find out who the
two people were, you went on facebook to figure out who it was, what was your reaction when you found out it was the mayor of your town and his young son? it made me realize i m not paying attention to maybe politics around me all the time because i didn t know who he was. it was awesome, because he s our mayor and that meant a lot to him, too and it means a lot to us. i thought it was really neat. carley: must be nice to live in a community where people take the time to do current acts of kindness. why is patriotism important to your family? we have a long history of military in our family, my brother, amy s brother, both
grandparents and our fathers both served also. we did the time and the veterans did the time and just think the flag is a great symbolism for america because it is the land of the free and because of the brave their time and their military service. carley: amy, i love what the mayor said, there is so much political strife, but the flag is unifying symbol for all of us, isn t that so true? oh, yes, for sure, there is a lot of divisiveness, when he said that, very, very true. carley: jason and amy martinez, thank you for your service and thank you for joining us this morning. thank you.