This article is contributed by Ruth Ravitz-Smith, local nonprofit founder, leader and public affairs consultant.
Perhaps you relocated to the Cape Fear region over the past couple of years since you can now work from anywhere. Or you retired here from a major metropolitan area. Or maybe you have just throttled back from your 40+ hour a week job.
As times have changed, so has United Way. No longer just dependent on workplace campaigns, UWCFA adapted to add new ways for you to connect to your community.
While we have the amazing features that attracted so many of us here, we also have a portion of the community that needs assistance. For over 80 years, United Way of the Cape Fear Area (UWCFA) has helped fill that need. Supporting 42 partner agencies in New Hanover, Brunswick, Pender and Columbus counties with financial, volunteer, and organizational support, the United Way makes an impact on the health, education, and financial stability of individuals in