I’m not a hard science guy nor am I a weather expert; however, I work outdoors and spend minimal amounts of time in the house. I like to be out and about at least until it’s dark and the street lights come on; I’m a guy who was born in 1950 and was.
Trinity and Brownsville Area School Districts were this month granted Child Hunger Hero awards by the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank for their dedication to feeding local youth.
Thu, 12/10/2020 - 6:15pm
Conflicting uses and how to manage them emerged as the theme of the Block Island Land Trust’s latest meeting on Monday, Dec.7.
The first item of discussion was to consider a request to use the K and H property for storage of equipment related to the island-wide broadband project. K and H is the lot on West Side Road near Legion Park that extends down to the shore of the Great Salt Pond. In the past it has served as the location for the Pots and Kettles food truck and is used, in the summer, as a parking area for the Farmers Market and employees of the Harbors Department working in their office at the New Harbor Boat Basin.