6 essentially did what he said just yesterday. i have no idea why it took him an entire year to say it, and i m not sure that what he says now actually has any bearing given the fact that for the last year trump was able to run rampant with his lie. yeah. so, pence, he said exactly what he did on january 6, which is i don t have the power to overturn the election. what s different about this time around is he was willing to call out trump by name and say, no, again, my guy, i do not have the ability to overturn the election. you, mr. former president, i m talking to you. that s the biggest difference, that he s willing to say this so directly. but if you listen to his speech, one of the things that s interesting, we re giving him so much praise for saying that part that he s been saying. but at other parts of the speech, he s still alluding to the basis of the big lie, which is that there was fraud and
protected class. she had to, withdraw from that the judge said. a. g. lawyer cited the great quote by robert morgan about roy cohen saying, just because you don t like a guy doesn t mean you can t prosecute him. the other argument was by fish eddie, it was a real argument. it has been totally defeated in the past. it was, hey, if you are trying to get criminal testimony from my guy, if he were being called in the criminal grand jury, he would get immunity under new york law. the judge said, yes, so wet. that happens all the time. as it does, if he doesn t want to compromise his fifth amendment rights, he can just take the fifth. the way eric trump did. and really set the scene. officially said, i m going to advise him to take the fifth. it really was. they were beaten up badly and it set the
she was continuously silent and by the judges clerk. it was a real new york affair with a lot of back and forth in that way. there were some, you know, arguments somewhere in there. she was very confusing. as you said, she tried to say that trump is like a protected class, not just, you know, former president and reviled figure. that was basically the protected class. she had to, withdraw from that the judge said . a.g. lawyer cited the great quote by robert morgan about roy cohen saying, just because you don t like a guy doesn t mean you can t prosecute him. the other argument was by fish eddie, it was a real argument. it has been totally defeated in the past. it was, hey, if you are trying to get criminal testimony from my guy, if he were being called in the criminal grand jury, he would get immunity under new york law. the judge said, yes, so wet.