Bradford County District Attorney Albert C. Ondrey reported the following resolutions of criminal cases in the Bradford County Court of Common Pleas, Towanda:
Earlier this month, as the Carroll County Board of Education adopted an alternative framework for its high school human sexuality curriculum, members of the school system’s Family Life Advisory Committee lamented a loss of local control over what students should and should not be learning in county classrooms.
Carroll County’s Board of Education unanimously approved the state’s new health curriculum framework, which includes instruction on gender identity, for high school students at its meeting last week.
After a failed motion and more than an hour of discussion during Wednesday’s meeting, the Carroll County Board of Education opted to table a vote on the Family Life Advisory Committee’s recommended changes to the state’s mandated health curriculum framework.
After a failed motion and more than an hour of discussion during Wednesday’s meeting, the Carroll County Board of Education opted to table a vote on the Family Life Advisory Committee’s recommended changes to the state’s mandated health curriculum framework.