La conversación en torno a los problemas de
salud mental que aquejan a la sociedad ha estado cada vez más abierto sin embargo, sigue siendo un tema complicado que a menudo es malinterpretado e ignorado.
Mientras algunos famosos se han convertido en voceros de campañas del cuidado de la salud mental para alentar a la población a tratarse y normalizar el pedir ayuda,
otros han mostrado el lado más trágico y oscuro de lo que significa padecerlas.
Cuando escuchamos hablar de famosos que han perdido la batalla contra los trastornos de salud mental, e
dress like a real girl like our other sister. i could just tell by the way our other brother looked at him something untake-backable had been said and i ran inside and asked my mom and she said to me listen carefully because i m only going to tell you this story once and she only told me the story once. so the story again to remind viewers that the family wanted to adopt a child when the baby was arrived the baby was black and they weren t expecting a black baby they lived in an all-white neighborhood and sent the baby back and eventually got amy so after treyvon martin and the divisiveness in the kunitz motivated you to find angel. yeah i started watching the daily news, stories about police
park. amy was in deerfield so we weren t close together but i went to school in hyde park and we had a really good up bringing. my parents were business owners. we had a summer home in union pier, michigan and i had a very diverse lifestyle. the people in my school and my parents really loved me and i was raised by an entire community of aunts and uncles, but nobody blood. so my understanding of family, you know, it from the very beginning was much deeper than blood. and then, after that, as you became an adult, you fell on some hard times, right? you had some trouble. i did. i did. but you pulled yourself back together and became reacquainted with your children? absolutely. do you think race had anything to do that or just
growing up just growing up living in america. i think this story has no color. the face of it could be anyone, especially my hardships. i like to think it has nothing to do with race, however i m a little smarter than that, and i do understand his decision was about race but my life has not been racially motivated, shall i say. amy, you grew up in a wealthy white family, grew up with the nice things, went to good schools you also had problems as well. are the stereo typical upbringings of race not what they ve seem? it changes all of our assumptions of white privilege and black hard ship. i didn t have it easy growing up as a child. it wasn t a horrible childhood but it was at times difficult,
with it. the two of you have thought a lot about race and how it can lead you on different paths in your life. what have each of you learned from each other? first from amy? as i said we re quick to make assumptions. i think it s in our society we re so polarized not just by race but my politics, religion. and i think if we were to stop and take the time to do the hard work, it s easy to look at things in black and white, pardon the pun, it s so easy. but it s so difficult to stop and look at the nuances and look at the things we have in common as opposed to the things that are different about us. i ve really evolved through this whole process myself and i consider myself a progressive and somebody that s open minded and through this process i