KNOXVILLE — The Green Industry Field Day will be hosted by the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture and the Tennessee Nursery and Landscape Association.
Last month’s hard freeze has had a visible impact on lawns and shrubs, but landscape experts say homeowners should be patient and wait for new growth in the spring.
The expectations are always high whenever
Pixar releases a new film, particularly after its most recent movie won an Oscar. Though
Luca, the coming-of-age fantasy from first-time feature director
Enrico Casarosa, looks as far removed from the photorealistic ambitions of
Soul as possible. There’s a simplicity to both the animation style and the story, which feel like a throwback to the animated films of yesteryear, back when friendship was the prevailing theme and the biggest stake was accidentally getting water spilled on you and your sea monster friend. And according to critics and writers who had a chance to see
IMAGE: In Tennessee, garden centers were designated essential businesses at the beginning of the COVID-19 response, and UT Department of Plant Sciences faculty worked to provide direction for their operators. view more
Credit: Photo courtesy of David Bates, owner of Bates Nursery and Garden Center in Nashville.
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. - Two University of Tennessee Department of Plant Sciences faculty earned the Blue Ribbon Extension Communication Award from the Southern Region of the American Society for Horticultural Science for their publication
Operation of a Garden Center During the COVID-19 Pandemic. The project was led by Amy Fulcher, an associate professor and Extension specialist, and supported by several colleagues across the UT Institute of Agriculture, including Annette Wszelaki, plant sciences professor and Extension specialist; Megan Leffew, Center for Profitable Agriculture Extension specialist; and Margarita Velandia, professor and Extension speciali