good morning everyone. those stories and your comments right here right now in the cnn newsroom. for many of you this is a day off work. many others would rather be working but can t find jobs. frustration is rising over the shrinking labor market. here s what some of you are saying on our blog. from amy d, i am very frustrated that there are not enough jobs to get americans back to work. i have been looking for work for almost two years now sending my resumes to employers every day with very little to no response in return. this from randy from jacksonville. he weighed in on the unemployment figures. why don t you give the real number? i am still unemployed but not counted because i don t get a check anymore. from hopeless in rochester, insult to injury is being deemed overqualified for even menial, minimum wage jobs. this is not the american dream. it s the american nightmare with no light at the end of the tunnel.