that yale law professor, who in 2011 called herself the tiger mom and called the rest of us to turn up, berate your kids, it works. she has now got a new book that is sure to push a lot more buttons. this one is called the triple package. how three unlikely traits explain the rise and fall of cultural groups in america. sure enough, amy chewa and her husband, slash coauthor, list eight groups they deem overachievers. those groups are, jews, indians, chinese, iranians, lebanese-americans, nigerians, cuban exiles and mormons. chua is chinese. her husband is j jewish and they both make the list. kelly wallace joins me to kick this around. i m not on the list. neither am i. it doesn t say canadian-americans. at first blush, this sounds at the very least biased and prejudiced and some say racist. what are they saying? and a ton of reaction online using the r word, racist.