A thief stole a vessel worth £35,000 after he paddled it out of a Norfolk boatyard where it had been in for repairs, a court has heard.
An investigation.
The boy was spotted by Broads Beat managers on Saturday near Acle
- Credit: Broads Beat
A Broads Beat manager has told of his shock at seeing a young boy swinging from the railings of a hire boat.
PC Paul Bassham, a beat manager based at Hoveton Station alongside his colleague Amy Barrell, said the incident occurred at Acle Marina on Saturday, April 24 at around 11am - with the family receiving strong words of warning as a result.
Drowning is one of the leading causes of accidental UK deaths.
This week we re helping make people safer by raising awareness of risks & dangers around water, what to do if they fall in and how to help someone who is in trouble in water. https://t.co/sHKlLDkEy4#BeWaterAwarepic.twitter.com/UG9vebHZ0N Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service (@Norfolkfire) April 26, 2021