Flipkart has announced the sale price of the Samsung Galaxy S21 FE for Big Savings Days. You could get it at ₹29,999 during the sale days starting May 4, 2023. However, should you buy it or consider its alternatives?
Samsung Galaxy S21 FE is available on Flipkart at a heavy discount of ₹40,000. That is a 53-per cent discount from its original price of ₹74,999. But, that’s not all, you can grab several other offers too.
The Samsung Galaxy S21 FE 5G smartphone can currently be purchased for as low as Rs 49,999 in India. The offer is available on Amazon. Here's everything you need to know about this deal.
The Samsung Galaxy S21 FE 5G smartphone can currently be purchased for as low as Rs 49,999 in India. The offer is available on Amazon. Here's everything you need to know about this deal.