Samsung Galaxy A73 was announced in India last week. Now, the price and availability details have been revealed. People who pre-register the Galaxy A73 can buy the Galaxy Buds Live for Rs 499.
The Samsung Galaxy A73 has been launched in India. The device has an AMOLED display, a modern design, waterproof rating, a mid-range Snapdragon chipset, a 108-megapixel primary rear camera, and more.
Samsung will host the event at 10AM EDT or 7:30PM IST on September 17. At the event, the company is likely to launch Galaxy A53 and Galaxy A73 smartphones.
As per the leaked images, the flat display is seen in the Samsung Galaxy A73 5G. Additionally, slim bezels are present around the display of the smartphone. There is a punch-hole cutout front camera for selfies and video calling.