Uber has been found to have failed to comply with European Union algorithmic transparency requirements in a legal challenge brought by two drivers whose Uber has been found to have failed to comply with European Union algorithmic transparency requirements in a legal challenge brought by two drivers whose accounts were terminated by the ride-hailing giant.
The District Court of Amsterdam has today ruled that Uber has failed to comply with the April 2023 Court of Appeal order that Uber must provide transparency into the automated decision to dismiss two drivers from the UK and Portugal.
Uber has been found to have failed to comply with European Union algorithmic transparency requirements in a legal challenge brought by two drivers whose accounts were terminated by the ride-hailing giant, including with the use of automated account flags. Uber also failed to convince the court to cap daily fines of €4,000 being imposed for ongoing non-compliance which now exceed over half a million euros (€584,000). The Amsterdam District Court found in favor of two of the drivers who are litigating over data access over what they couch as 'robo-firings'.