Ampt Biking Expands Adaptive Riding Events in 2021 with 3 US Events
Last year we had the opportunity to check out Ampt Biking’s first-ever Pedals and Prosthetics event in Estes Park, Colorado. Mathew Beall, a congenital amputee created the organization for other amputees and adaptive athletes to have a gateway and community experience if they want to try mountain biking. Working with a few different partners, Ampt had several attendees at the Estes Park event last August, and this year they are holding additional events in Rogue River, Oregon and Moab.
The dates for the 2021 events are as follows:
Rogue River, Oregon at Mountain of the Rogue on Sunday June 13
Amputee mountain biking organization will bring 2021 program into Oregon
Ampt Biking, a mountain biking and volunteer-based organization that provides opportunities for amputees, is expanding its 2021 program into Oregon for a one-day bike clinic.
Posted: Mar 6, 2021 5:17 PM
Updated: Mar 6, 2021 5:19 PM
Posted By: Jayda McClendon
ROGUE RIVER, Ore. – Ampt Biking, a mountain biking and volunteer-based organization that provides opportunities for amputees, is expanding its 2021 program into Oregon for a one-day bike clinic.
The organization will host the clinic at the Mountain of the Rogue Mountain Biking Trail on June 13.
Riders will break into groups according to skill level and be accompanied by trail guides.