with another case. they do not have this confused with another case. no. you are absolutely right, ashleigh. it is an entirely separate case we are talking about. there has been no shortage of developments over the past 24 hours. i should tell you. in fact, we are in front of aaron hernandez home right now. police as you mentioned were here in the overnight hours. they entered the house at around 4:00 in the morning, left at 5:30. it didn t appear they took anything. we believe they took a lot of photos inside, they are investigating and looking for clues in that still unsolved double murder that happened in boston last year. as you mentioned, aaron hernandez is now being investigated in connection with that double murder. important to the point out, that this is an entirely different case of than the one that we re talking about that we have been talking about over the past couple of weeks. he is already charged with first-degree murder in the death of 27-year-old odin lloyd.
it s fascinating watching the prosecutor confer with the defense table because there has been a contentious relationship between those two parties in this case. the defense has accused this prosecution team of withholding discovery evidence and making it far more difficult for the defense to do its job in defending george zimmerman because they didn t know what was coming. not so, though, when you see the working relationship in court. i think that if there will be any questions about this, i would ask the audio be used as the impeach e peachment or refreshing. the reason why is because okay, if there is an objection, i into ed to hear the objection. and i don t misspeak objections. okay. i will be precise. the improper foundation. okay. he hasn t even identified. that don t answer any questions regarding that, if you need him to identify it, you may do so. may i have council present
we just got word that authorities have actually recovered that car but not earnest wallace. i should mention, ashleigh that, wallace is being called armed and dangerous and, in yet another development, a third man, a man by the name of car loss ortiz was in court today in connecticut. he is also being investigated in connection with the murder of odin lloyd. not sure what that connection is yet. we do know this. he has been charged with a single weapons violation and interestingly enough, ash leak, for that single weapons violation, he is being held on $1.5 million bail, which says to a lot of people that this the a very, very important person to police. yeah. you don t often see bail that high for a mere weapons violation, but as is often the case, too, you try to squeeze information anyway you can. and we can also see other charges be added later on, too.