A new workflow generates probabilistic history-matches and production forecasts for any decline-curve model while incorporating variable BHP conditions. It provides fast history matches and forecasts of shale gas wells more accurately than traditional DCA while quantifying model uncertainty. The primary value added is an innovative method for probabilistic variable-pressure DCA.
In 1975, Amoco Production Co. built an 8-acre pad and drilled the Foggy Island Bay State 1 exploration well in the Sagavanirktok River delta adjacent to the Beaufort Sea some 20 mile northeast of Deadhorse. In 1998, Amoco merged with BP, and BP America Production is in the process of remediating the.
As we have written about before, a troubling issue facing landowners in the Marcellus Shale region is the practice of retroactive pooling and unitization. Retroactive pooling and.
This month Oil and Gas Investor spotlights Stephen DeSalvo, COO and country manager of Saba Energy where his current work is focused on Belize, in its Who’s Who in E&P A&D.