SRINAGAR: G V Sundeep Chakravarthy-IPS on Friday assumed the charge of Senior Superintendent of Police in Anantnag. The handover ceremony took place at the District Police Headquarters in Anantnag, where Ashish Mishra, the outgoing SSP, passed on the responsibilities to the new incumbent, read a pol.
SRINAGAR: Three individuals lost their lives on Friday in Kishtwar district when the vehicle they were in skidded off the road and plunged into a gorge. The incident occurred near Kandi Kishtwar on Friday afternoon.
SRINAGAR: Anjuman-i-Auqaf Jama Masjid has expressed concern over the repeated closure of the gates of Jama Masjid Srinagar for Friday prayers. For the second consecutive Friday, police officials once again closed the gates of Jama Masjid Srinagar and informed the Auqaf not to open the gates for Fri.
SRINAGAR: Two Punjab residents, Harjinder Singh and Samarjeet Singh were sentenced to 10 years imprisonment by Udhampur court. The duo has been sentenced to a rigorous imprisonment for contraband smuggling. A fine of Rs 1 lakh each has also been imposed on them.
SRINAGAR: A tragic incident unfolded in Jammu on Friday morning as a truck, carrying four passengers, veered off a bridge, resulting in their demise. An official informed the news agency KS that the accident happened on the Jhajjar Kotli NH44.