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Taurus GX4 Sub-Compact Pistol Sale USA –-( Kentucky Gun Co has inventory on the hot new sub-compact EDC pistol, the Taurus GX4 Handgun at just $389.99, and that includes two (2) magazines and FREE shipping. Read AmmoLand News’ review of the Taurus Gx4 Pistol where Editor Jim Grant gives it his thumbs up.
Taurus GX4 Handgun
The all-new Taurus GX4 boldly outclasses anything else in its class-reaching unprecedented new heights in concealed carry firearm engineering, ergonomics, and innovation. Exceptionally rugged and reliable, and pushed to the limits of traditional testing with more than 20 thousand rounds delivered downrange, the Taurus GX4 is unlike any micro-compact on the market. And it shows. On the outside, there can be no doubt that every streamlined inch of this striker-fired semi-auto was meticulously crafted for EDC readiness and reliabil
Democrats are NOT satisfied with minor political changes, and the temporary power they hold. They want to ensure a permanent hold on their power, so they need to make massive political and social changes
The Struggle Over Firearms Pistol Braces Continues ~ VIDEO Ammoland Inc. Posted on
SIG SAUER Pistol Stabilizing Brace
USA – -( President Biden announced last week that he is, officially, seeking action from the BATFE to restrict pistol braces in some significant way.
Pistol braces have been a constantly controversial accessory since Sig Sauer made them mainstream with their SB-15 Brace at SHOT Show in 2014. The brace concept was originally developed by Alex Bosco, founder of SB Tactical. A good summary of the early history of the devices and a reminder of how quickly they become an area of confusion because of ATF ineptitude can be found in this article from 2015 by AmmoLand News’ own Christian Lowe. More than anything else, the lack of clarity around pistol braces, combined with the unreasonable burdens created by the National Firearms Act, create the circumstances under which significant restrictions could too easily be applied.
The CDC & Their Government Highlighter, What are They Hiding? Ammoland Inc. Posted on
The CDC & Their Government Highlighter, What are they Hiding?
New Jersey – -( I’ve had the opportunity to read through two Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) acquired document dumps from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), amounting to 529 pages of information (20-00859-FOIA and 20-01880-FOIA), and I am not impressed at all.
In the age of transparency and citizens’ rights to information, I need to point out the CDC’s excessive use of what I call the “government highlighter”, aka black magic marker. 213 pages of one document were fully redacted and the other FOIA document had 12 pages fully redacted and included a fluffy 100+ page report that is readily available to the public.