Many other competitions, but in the second half of the 20th century, sword hockey seriously replaced ice hockey, however, each of these sports has its fans. On march 12, 1930, a Farming Campaign began in british india. Campaign, an important event in the indian struggle for national independence, against the british monopoly on the production and sale of salt and the salt tax. The protest was organized by mahat magandi, one of the leaders. Liberation movement and leaders of the Indian National congress party. This was part of the satiograha campaign of civil disobedience, which excluded violence. This was gandhis philosophy. That day, he and about 100 other people left the city of ahmedabad. And when we reached the village of dandi on the shores of the arabian sea they began to evaporate the salt, there were already more than 100,000 people. Gandhi was arrested, peaceful demonstrators were shot with machine guns and severely beaten. But the action is still the same. Enough for the whol
During the day, ukrainian militants shelled the nikitovsky and central city districts of gorlovka, as well as the klybyshevsky, kirovsky and petrovsky districts of donetsk. Shelling of areas of the donetsk peoples republic was carried out using 15mm caliber artillery, including cluster weapons part. In addition, in the village of krasny partizan, in the kalininsky and nikitovsky districts of gorlovka, as well as in the village of staromikhailovka, the enemy dropped an explosive object from a uav as a result of a direct artillery hit. A shell fired from the Ukrainian Armed forces in the kirilovsky district of donetsk. Girls born in 2009 and 2010, as well as a man born in 1977, were injured to varying degrees of severity. Earlier, the head of the dpr, denis pushilny, said that last night, during the shelling of gurlovka, turned out to be a local bakery. Four employees received shrapnel wounds, three people were sent to the hospital. In a number of ukrainian ones. Regions , explosions thu
Whenever a world leader dies, either by sinister or natural causes, you can be sure Moscow will warp the narrative to sow, if not panic, then at least cynicism and doubt.
Accusing UEFA of being biased, he related his comments to the current conflict between Israel and Hamas to the war between Russia and Ukraine that began last year.