AMHERST A remembrance ceremony to honor and grieve lives taken by COVID and to recognize others affected by the pandemic is being held on the Town Common Sunday afternoon.The COVID Remembrance Interfaith gathering, organized by the Interfaith.
AMHERST A possible collaboration between the Amherst Business Improvement District, Downtown Amherst Foundation and the Amherst Cultural Council could lead to a new Block Party-like event next spring.Amherst BID Executive Director Gabrielle Gould.
gnBy SCOTT MERZBACHAMHERST A possible collaboration between the Amherst Business Improvement District, Downtown Amherst Foundation and the Amherst Cultural Council could lead to a new Block Party-like event next spring.Amherst BID Executive Director.
AMHERST Whether it be concerts on the Town Common, the town’s Juneteenth celebration or a high school performance of “The Sound of Music,” candidates for positions on the Town Council up for election Tuesday say they enjoy being at local cultural.
AMHERST Whether it be concerts on the Town Common, the town’s Juneteenth celebration or a high school performance of “The Sound of Music,” candidates for positions on the Town Council say they enjoy being at local cultural events.Several of those.