Hindu YUVA, a student organization focusing on Hindu beliefs, celebrated Universal Oneness Day on Oct 19. by honoring members of the Ames Police Department. According to the organization’s website, Universal Oneness Day resonates with one of the core values of Hinduism, Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, which means ‘the entire world is one family.’ “[Universal Oneness Day] is.
August had a significant increase in arrests and charges statistics, from 104 in July to 156 in August. The Ames Police Department says that this increase happens annually as the fall semester begins. “The school year starts, and that always brings a lot of new folks to town, and we also generally have more calls.
Story County residents heard a message from keynote speaker Kai Roberts and learned about local mental health resources at the Story County Mental Health Expo on Monday. The event featured 35 organizations, with representatives to provide information on their services. It also included a keynote by Roberts titled, “Escape: Overcoming Anxiety and Intrusive Thoughts.” Roberts.
The Ames Police Department responded to a shooting report around 9 p.m. on Sept. 21 in the 3800 block of Tripp Street. The current status is unknown of a male victim, who is being treated at a local hospital. This is the second shooting to occur in the 3800 block of Tripp Street in less.