Main picture: Google A vet and dog daycare could come to Amersham at the site of a former Aston Martin car showroom. Plans have been submitted to change the use of 44 Woodside Road to a veterinary practice and dog daycare facility. Pets Corner UK wants to convert the rear of the premises, which was previously used as a vehicle servicing area in connection with the Stratstone Aston Martin showroom. The firm says the proposed development will “complement” the new Pets Corner store to the front of the site, which was given the green light in 2020. Pets Corner wants to convert the existing floorspace and add a “small extension” along the western elevation of the site, and says the development will create six full-time and five part-time jobs “with the potential that this may increase further in the future”.
Football club, Amersham Town FC have rebuilt part of their clubhouse using funds from the HS2 Community and Environment Fund as well as the Football Stadia Improvement Fund. The HS2 Community and Environment Fund is a programme that allows communities that have been disrupted by construction to apply for funding for projects. The voluntary and community sectors are the main targets that are eligible for the funding and applications can be made through the HS2 fund’s website. The Football Stadia Improvement Fund is an organisation that offers grants and loans to lower-level football clubs to develop their facilities. Amersham Town FC has been able to use the various funding by adding a modern, brick-built, section with a paved outside patio and additional facilities.